
Moneyday: August 13 -- A Grass Roots Holiday and Three Day Weekend to Stimulate the Economy

Moneyday is Saturday August 13, but we'll be celebrating all weekend long, starting Thursday night. The goal of Moneyday is to create a special one-off gift giving holiday designed stimulate on a grass-roots level on the demand side. We urge you to go out and buy something now, something special you would not ordinarily buy, perhaps a band's CD or a T-shirt or something. Give a loved one some money to spend, or take some money from a loved one, and spend it. There will be a delay in finding out if this did in fact help our economy. It's also somehow supposed to help market a lovely band: The Ks. Once things pick up, we will become Piggy Bank Day, a day to focus on savings. Until then, let the boom resume. Consume!